There is nothing uncomfortable as walking around on tight socks. It makes you feel restricted and numb on your lower legs. It wears you down and makes you unproductive. Apart from the discomfort, it can disturb blood flow and cause ankle swelling. So, the need is – how to loosen tight socks?

There are several ways to loosen tight socks that we mentioned under three steps. Since we are about to comfort your tight socks and give the best solution with this article, follow the steps carefully. Repeating, when stretching your socks, don’t overstretch the material. It may cause droop or sag when you wear them.
This post will highlight all possible information on loosening tight socks. Let’s go with why socks are so tight now. Stick with us.
Why are socks so tight now?
There are several reasons why socks that were fitting now feel tight. The first and obvious one is the change in your body size. You might have increased in size, and thus the socks no longer fit you.
Another reason could be shrinkage in the socks fabric or material. Socks containing cotton tend to shrink after you wash them. Nylon, polyester, elastane, and cotton blend makes the perfect material. It is warm, comfortable, and doesn’t shrink.
How to stretch tight socks?
The following is a step-by-step method on how to expand tight socks
Step 1:
Before doing anything, it is crucial that you first read the care label. After you’ve read and understood the instruction – wash and tumble dry the sock.
You can also use a dryer or iron box to apply heat to the socks. For those socks with materials that are sensitive to heat, submerge them in warm water. These include colorful socks and socks with woolen and cashmere fabric.
Step 2:
Put on the socks while still warm to reshape the socks. Or, you can blow dry or hand-stretch the sock elastics. The latter is more effective on socks with rubberized elastic bands. When stretching the socks, be careful not to overdo them lest you damage them.
Step 3:
Cool the elastics when stretched and still warm. Submerge them in ice-cold water while stretching them to achieve the best results. Alternatively, you can also keep them in a refrigerator. Another option is to rub ice cubes on the elastic sections of the socks.
N/B: If you execute these steps, you can expand your socks by 1-2inches.
How to stretch out polyester socks?
Polyester is naturally elastic, but it can quickly shrink back to its previous size. This makes it difficult if you are trying to loosen/stretch it. To achieve the desired results, you may need to use a combination of techniques.
First, machine-wash them in high heat conditions for around 35 minutes. For hand washing, clean it in warm water (ideal for slight stretch).
After washing, wear it and let it dry in your body. Alternatively, you can dry it in the sun and then wear it while warm. This will enable them to take the shape of your feet.
If they didn’t stretch out enough, you could rewash them in high heat. After rewashing, air dries them, then stretches them again while still warm.
How to stretch knee-high socks?
The process of stretching knee-high socks is like the one for tight socks. The method is the same, so re-read it for more clarity.
How to stretch out compression socks?
Compression socks are supposed to be perfectly fitting. Unfortunately, there is no proven and proper way of stretching compression socks. Most experts discourage the stretching of compression socks, as it might damage the fabric. But regular washing and sun drying might help.
You can also try padding them (especially the tight areas). If they are still tight, then you might be wearing them incorrectly. Or you might be having the wrong size. You may need to measure your thigh, ankle, and calf circumference.
What happens when your socks are too tight?
Tight socks can cause several health problems. It can cause poor blood flow and swellings on the feet and ankles. The tight elastic on the cuffs can also cause indentation on the mid-calf area.
For individuals with blood circulation problems, tight socks can cause pain and tingling sensation. Other health conditions associated with tight socks include numbness, irritation, fungal infection, among others.
You Can Read: Do Compression Socks Help Tight Calves? Or, Why Do My Legs Ache After Wearing Compression Socks?
You might not always find the right fitting socks for your legs. Also, a sock that fits you perfectly today might not fit you tomorrow. It is therefore critical for you to know how to make them fit. You may need to stretch them to a comfortable size for tight socks.
The above step-by-step process will help you achieve that. Also, note that tight socks can hamper efficient blood circulation in the legs. Again, it is therefore critical that you wear socks that fit well.